After getting accepted and enrolled in college, students must register at their college’s disability services office as a student with disabilities by submitting required documentation to receive accommodations. This process is different from the high school experience.  

High School’s require an IEP or 504 Plan 

The accommodations process in college to that of high school is different. IEPs (Individualized Education Programs) or 504 plans students may have been provided in high school do not “transfer” onto college. While high schools are covered by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), colleges are not.   

Although colleges are subject to Section 504 accommodations, they follow a different subpart than K-12 schools, therefore colleges are not required to honor 504 plans from high school or create new versions of these plans.  

Colleges or Universities require a Letter of Accommodation (LOA)  

Colleges can issue a Letter (or Email) of Accommodation (called a “LOA” or “EOA”) through the disability services office that lists the accommodations the student is entitled to receive, where students must personally email to their professors.  

The LOA or EOA will only state the student has been approved for accommodations and any information regarding the student’s disabilities will remain confidential to protect their privacy. However, students may inform their professors about it, if they are willing to.  

Managing the process for accommodations varies by college and may be referred to differently so students should familiarize themselves with specific terminology and course of action used.  

College Coordinator vs. High School Case Manager 

Some colleges might assign a person, often referred to as a “coordinator” who determines and ensures both academic and nonacademic reasonable accommodations are arranged, without having to communicate regularly with the student or faculty about the students’ progress and academic performance.  

However, this varies as colleges may have coordinators perform these functions whatsoever. In high school, students had a “case manager” who actively engaged with and monitored students’ performance with the student and faculty.  

Registering for University Accommodations  

Registering for accommodations is different and separate from the college application process, in which providing a copy of an IEP or evaluation, as well as writing about their disability for college application essays will not guarantee the student obtains accommodations.  

Under ADA, admissions offices are not allowed to accept or request any information about a student’s disabilities before admitting the student. 

More information regarding how to register for accommodations can be found on the college’s office of accommodations official website. The process of registering for accommodations usually involves completing a registration form online or students can apply by downloading and filling out the application available for print.  

An office representative may also contact the student for a one-on-one intake. This is a good time for the representative to work with the student to determine any specific needs for accommodations and support services. 

Determining Your Eligibility  

College students are not entitled to receive accommodations simply because they had an IEP or 504 plan previously. They must be found eligible for accommodations at their college, and if eligible, students are not entitled to the same accommodations and academic support they received in high school.  

If students can provide evidence that they need a specific accommodation, they may be eligible to receive it in college. Disability services offices are allowed to decide who is eligible and what accommodations are appropriate. 

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