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Information is available as a service to headache patients and their families. The National Headache Foundation does not endorse nor make any representations regarding any individual healthcare provider. All healthcare providers listed are verified physicians or nurse practitioners. Click here for a key to health care provider credentials.


Certificate of Added Qualification in Headache Medicine (AQH)

Licensed healthcare providers who can evaluate and manage headache patients independently. This includes physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. To be eligible for the AQH competency examination, candidates must be a licensed healthcare practitioner who can evaluate and manage headache patients independently, including physicians (M.D. and D.O.), physician assistants, advance practice nurses, dentists, and psychologists.  Each candidate must have three or more years involved in headache medicine.

United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties (UCNS)

Headache Medicine is a subspecialty of neurology and is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of head and face pain. Patients affected by headache and face pain may seek help from multiple specialty areas. These include primary care (family practice, general internal medicine), and specialty care. Specialty care includes, but is not restricted to, neurology, neurosurgery, otolaryngology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, oromaxillofacial surgery, and psychiatry. For headache and face pain, the practitioner of Headache Medicine is often the principal care physician. They may render all levels of care commensurate with his or her training.

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