Share Your Story of Living With Migraine Disease and Headache Disorders
More than 42 million people in the United States live with migraine disease and a half million are diagnosed with Cluster Headache. Yet those who have these diseases often feel isolated and alone. We want to raise awareness by sharing stories to show that if you have migraine or another headache disorder, you are not alone.
Please share your personal migraine and headache stories in either a written blog or a video blog, following the guidelines below.
Blog Post
No more than 1,000 words
Provide up to 2 images, 1 of which will be the featured image for the blog
Images should be at least 1000 px wide and under 2MB.
Video Post
Videos need to be under 5 minutes
Video should be posted to either YouTube or Vimeo first, then the link will be shared for submission
Please include a title and short description for the video of no more than 100 words
General Guidelines
Do not share recommendations or advertisements for treatment methods, diet plans or prescription medications.
No profanity, hate speech or negative talk about another person
Please note that all posts are subject to approval by National Headache Foundation staff prior to posting. Any post found to be in violation of the above rules will not be posted on the website. By submitting your story, video or photo, you are granting the National Headache Foundation permission to publish this information. Only provide information you wish to make public with the migraine community or visitors to If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at
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