I have been having migraines since I was around 20 years old, I am 62 now.

Through the years I have been given several medications to help prevent them, most would work for a while, and then stop working, and then something else would be tried to start the cycle all over again.

I have been given so much narcotic meds to stop them once they start, and whenever I have had any surgery, I’ve warned the doctor’s that my system needs more than a usual dose to keep me under. Experience is due to the fact that I started waking up during one procedure!

At this time I am taking Imitrex, and Tylenol-3, along with Phenergan. My problem now is that every time I have to take these for a migraine, I start the rebound cycle! Then I have to suffer with the headache for at least three days to break that cycle!

My husband tries to be understanding, but it’s frustrating for him, too, because I don’t want to go places, or even keep the house cleaned like I would like. He says I don’t have much of a life–I agree!!!

The doctors are afraid I will get addicted, so they are “stingy” with those meds, and as a result, I live in fear of running out and not having medication when I need it.