Food Allergies, Sensitivities, and Migraine Triggers

August 2024, Episode 194: What is the difference between a food sensitivity, food allergy, and a migraine trigger? What are some of the best (and newest) ways to determine what foods could be making our migraine or other head pain…

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Headache, Migraine, and MSG

March 2024, Episode 178: Can MSG actually cause a headache or migraine attack? Lindsay Weitzel, PhD talks with headache specialist Fred Cohen, MD about what MSG is and how it can affect our headache disorders and migraine disease. They discuss…

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Increase Fiber and Decrease Migraine

May 2023, Episode 154: Increase Fiber and Decrease Migraine A new paper found an inverse association between fiber intake and the occurrence of migraine and other severe headache. In this week’s episode of HeadWise, Lindsay Weitzel, Ph. D. asks board…

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Cooking With The Dizzy Cook

December 2022, Episode 142: Our friend The Dizzy Cook (Alicia Wolf) has a new cookbook out called The Mediterranean Migraine Diet: A Science-Based Roadmap to Control Symptoms and Transform Brain Health. On this week’s episode, Alicia shows us how to…

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What Does My Gut Have to Do with My Migraine?

October 2022, Episode 136: What Does My Gut Have to Do with My Migraine? In this episode, Lindsay Weitzel, Ph.D. hears the viewpoint of Trupti Gokani, MD, Board Certified Neurologist and Ayurvedic expert, about the gut-brain axis and how our…

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Why Do I Have Migraine or Why Does My Head Hurt so Bad?

September 2022, Episode 133: Lindsay Weitzel, PhD, and Amelia Scott Barrett, MD, discuss why we get migraine and where it starts. Can we reverse course through medications, lifestyle, diet, or even our thoughts and mentality to change our migraine and…

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Healthy Weight, Sugar & Migraine or Did my Doctor Just Talk About Weight in My Headache Appointment?

August 2022, Episode 130: There seems to be a lot of talk lately about doctors who brought up weight within conversations about migraine treatment. This might come across as inappropriate and insensitive when we are asking for help with our…

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Fasting and Migraine

April 2022, Episode 120: As a headache and migraine community, we are so often told not to skip meals that we may forget that people often fast for many religious or health reasons. Intermittent fasting has become a very popular buzzword….

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Cooking for the Holidays with the Dizzy Cook

November 2021, Episode 106: We are sooooo excited about this episode of Heads UP! Dr. Lindsay Weitzel welcomes the Dizzy Cook, Alicia Wolf. Alicia shows us how to make the perfect migraine-friendly soup for the holidays.

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woman studying

College Students and Migraine Triggers

Migraine in college students is often caused by stress, anxiety, fatigue, and diet. The National Headache Foundation (NHF) supports college students who experience migraine and headache through Migraine University. The program provides advice on healthier lifestyle choices that can help…

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Anti Inflammation Diet and Migraine

September 2021, Episode 102: What is considered an anti-inflammatory diet? How does inflammation contribute to migraine? Did you know a study was just published in the British Medical Journal that found a significant reduction in migraine frequency with a specific…

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Resolutions and Goal Setting

January 2021, Episode 82: Dr. Lindsay Weitzel and Dr. Dawn Buse discuss the best practices for making resolutions and the challenges of goal setting when you live with chronic migraine and headache disorders.

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