Our Mission

Creating a future where everyone in the world with headache can thrive in optimal, functional and connected lives.

To fulfill our mission, the National Headache Foundation is guided by our core pillars:

Resilient & Functional

  • Embrace personalized strategies in self-management for thriving amidst headaches, giving you the freedom to achieve optimal functionality and well-being in order to reclaim your life.
  • Walking the path to acceptance that headache-migraine is a part of your life. Confidence that this will get better with the right toolbox of scientific resources, skills, and support that will allow you to live your best life with joy and hope.
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Medical Understanding & Advancements

  • Recognition that headache-migraine is a disabling public health issue: underdiagnosed and undertreated, and deserves to be addressed to reduce chronification and burden of disease.
  • Awareness and education around the medical breakthroughs in diagnosis, treatment, prevention and care, with patients, caregivers, general healthcare practitioners, payers, and policymakers.

Community Insights & Engagement

  • The NHF community is dedicated to advocacy, support, and education, working together to increase acceptance without stigma, deploy people-first language, improve access to quality care, and champion for the needs of those living with headache disorders.
  • Unencumbered and timely access to an accurate diagnosis resulting in optimal care and treatment -pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic.
man holding a person's hand

Our Story

For over 50 years, our mission at the National Headache Foundation has been to further awareness of headache and migraine as legitimate neurological diseases. With aid from advanced technology and clinical innovation, there are more care and treatment options than ever before.

NHF understands that these diseases are still largely misunderstood, underdiagnosed, and undertreated.  Additionally, the personal and societal burdens of pain, disability, diminished quality of life and financial cost is under-recognized.  We are honored to have you on this journey, as there is so much we can do together.  

NHF continuously  collects the latest comprehensive information on headache disorders and migraine disease, which we make freely available to you.

Every day, our health care provider finder connects patients, who have just begun to seek treatment or those who are looking for more options.

NHF is committed to building the bridges needed to ensure that everyone affected by headache and migraine are able to fully engage and thrive in their best lives.  

Please join the National Headache Foundation in cultivating connections and partnerships that inspire action and instill hope.

National Headache Foundation Team

Susan Stone, MBA 


CEO & Executive Director




[email protected]




Katie Andrews


CEO Executive Assistant and AQH Lead



[email protected]

Maureen Ballay


AVP, Finance, Operations & Administration



[email protected]

Diego Colón


Military Partnerships Associate Director



[email protected]

Zachary Figliuolo


Digital Media and Communications Lead



[email protected]

David Lee


Strategic Development Lead




[email protected]

Katy Oakley


Director, Strategic Partnerships & Programs



[email protected]



Community Outreach & People Engagement Lead




Kirsten Ng


Headache Campus Advisor




Lillyan Stuart 


Communications Intern




Fabiola Palomo


Communications Intern




National Headache Foundation Board

Vincent Martin

Vincent Martin, MD, FACP


Headache Medicine: UCNS, AQH


Mason, OH

About Our President

Doctor Martin is Professor of Clinical Medicine, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, where he received his M.D. and completed his residency in Internal Medicine. He is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine, board certified in Headache Medicine by the United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties, and is a Diplomat of the National Board for the Certification of Headache Experts. 

Doctor Martin is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and a Fellow of the American Headache Society. He serves as a reviewer for the Journal of Family Practice and the European Journal of Neurology. Doctor Martin is an Associate Editor for the journal, Headache.

Corporate Leadership Council

The National Headache Foundation would like to thank our Corporate Leadership Council members for their support of our mission.

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Emerald Level

Opal Level


Find out how you can become a member of the National Headache Foundation’s Corporate Leadership Council by contacting [email protected]

Patient Leadership Council

The National Headache Foundation’s Patient Leadership Council (PLC) consists of people living with migraine disease and headache disorders who are partnering with the NHF to help improve the quality of care and resources provided to patients by advising the NHF on initiatives and advocacy opportunities. By including the PLC in the decision-making process, we gain valuable insights into the patient experience.


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