Migraines destroyed by career and my bank account! They nearly caused me to destroy the life of a patient. When suffering from a migraine, my brain and hands do not seem to be connected. When trying to type, I will type an F instead of a J or a K instead of a D. I had to give up my entire career because of migraines.

I now work only part-time over the internet at home because I can adjust my hours to the migraines. Because of the low pay, lack of any “disability” income, my savings are nearly gone. I started saving money in my early 20’s and usually went without vacations or Christmas gifts, etc. so I could put money into savings…and now those funds are nearly gone.

I have had migraines for many decades. In my 40’s and 50’s they severely affected my life, but they became so severe in my mid-50’s, the brain-hand disconnect began to threaten the safety of patients, so resigned before I hurt anyone.

I can’t drive with a migraine because my vision doubles and thus I endanger others on the road.

I have felt abandoned by the medical profession and by our social system.